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Market Analysis June 20

Date Posted: 13/07/2020 01/01/2022

We hope that all those in the Thomson Keene network are remaining physically and mentally well, as we all begin to lose count of which week of lockdown we are soon to tick off.

As everyone adapts to the lockdown market and adjusts working practices accordingly, the roadmap to a return to normal, or whatever normal will look like, remains unclear. We all hope that the coming few weeks will offer some clarity, and we can begin to glimpse what the rest of 2020 will look like out there.

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Market Analysis June 20

TK - Covid-19 Update

Date Posted: 30/03/2020

Dear clients and candidates,

Firstly, I wish you all, your families and colleagues well at this challenging time.

At Thomson Keene, we are now at the end of our 2nd week working remotely.  We have (relatively!) seamlessly transitioned to home working thanks to cloud-based applications and extensive use of Zoom.  Although we are not working together in the office our collaboration, client delivery and candidate care has not been diminished.

Many of our clients are still actively hiring, using various video tools to conduct interviews and technical assessments.  We have already seen offers made with no face to face meetings, with many clients adapting their onboarding processes accordingly.  Our Human Resources and RPO partners are finding swift and innovative solutions.

Even with the welcomed respite of the delay to IR35 reforms, the coming weeks will see unprecedented and very challenging circumstances requiring us all to work even more closely as a team and support our network.  We remain ready to help and able to deliver short term remote working contractors to plug any gaps should this be necessary.


Please call us if you would like a general chat or more info.

Stay safe.

Andrew, Dan and team TK

TK - Covid-19 Update

TK Market Update 2019

Date Posted: 10/12/2019

Our latest Market Update highlights the key themes for 2019 and a few predictions for 2020. 

please click the link below 

And of course, if you'd like to chat to one of team about any topics in more detail, please get in touch - info@thomsonkeene.com

TK Market Update 2019

Gender Pay Gap

Date Posted: 22/05/2019

Gender Pay Gap Update

It has been over a year since gender pay gap reporting became law and it has become one of the biggest business stories of the year.  Our banking clients are hitting the headlines as one of the most unbalanced sectors.

The reports have shown that there are less than 10% women in higher paid jobs, women’s bonuses can be one-third lower, and overall men are paid on average 20% more than women.


Gender Pay Gap

Thomson Keene connects with Luxembourg

Date Posted: 15/08/2017

Thomson Keene is pleased to announce its new partnership with Lancelot, a Luxembourg based IT Recruitment consultancy.  Exchanges between the two structures will allow better support to clients by extending their respective talent pools, as well as facilitating international development.

Thomson Keene, which is already active in the recruitment of top technology talent from London, New York and Paris, will therefore further their international development into mainland Europe.

This will provide a new dimension to TK’s service to both clients and candidates in the fast changing international economic and political context, including uncertainties around Brexit.

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Thomson Keene connects with Luxembourg

Quarterly Market Update July 2017


2017 has seen significant changes in the dynamics behind the hiring picture in London. At the forefront is an improvement in profits and business optimism for many of the key (particularly US) players. This has led to some long-overdue, serious commitment to strategic technology investment, and an increase in urgency and prioritisation of the various regulatory obligations affecting the industry


Quarterly Market Update July 2017

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